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Matute Consulting Services

Internet of Things (IoT) Consulting Services

Executive Engineering professional, Technology Architect, Director of Engineering, Subject Matter Expert on (I)IoT, Wireless Technology and Research & Development, Serial Entrepreneur, Innovator, Inventor.

A highly skilled and experienced Technology Consultant with a focus on Wireless and IoT technologies, by leveraging my extensive experience in leading cross-functional teams, developing and implementing innovative solutions, architecting technology solutions, and driving organizational change. I am committed to helping my clients achieve their goals through a process of continuous experimentation and iteration. I believe that by applying the principles of Lean Startup, businesses of any size, can validate their assumptions and make data-driven decisions, leading to greater success, growth and long-term sustainability.

Matute Consulting Services, IoT Consulting
IoT Consulting Services

IoT strategy development

Internet of Things (IoT) implementation requires strategy development and a framework that helps businesses throughout the process. Internet of Things (IoT) has become an integral part of the digital transformation journey for businesses of all sizes, and it is essential to develop a robust IoT strategy to reap the benefits. That’s where our IoT strategy development consulting services come in.

Research & Development Prototyping

R&D and prototyping

IoT is still an emerging technology. R&D or Proof of Concept work is required to identify the benefits and challenges of a specific technology approach. I specialize in providing end-to-end solutions for IoT device development, from concept to prototype.

Our prototyping process is fast, efficient, and cost-effective, allowing you to test your idea and make necessary adjustments before moving into full-scale production.

Smart Home, Matter Integration

Smart Home

We offer end-to-end solutions for the development and deployment of smart home devices that utilize the Matter protocol. Matter is a new industry standard for IoT devices, making it easier for manufacturers to create connected devices that work together seamlessly and securely. As a result, this simplifies the process for homeowners to set up and manage their smart homes.

Matute Consulting Services

Technical Due Diligence

Clients desiring to increase their IoT presence frequently look for new business relationships such as partnerships or acquisitions to quickly increase capacity and technical reach. I can support the process of vetting potential relationships by performing due diligence activities that will deliver an objective assessment of products, processes and people. Armed with that assessment, companies can make more informed decisions.

Startup Consulting Services

Startup Consulting Services

I help founders and businesses of any size validate their assumptions and make data-driven decisions, leading to greater success & growth.

I help Start-up Leaders, Founders and Management teams with: 

  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Definition
  • Customer Discovery
  • Value Proposition Design
  • Business Model Hypotheses
  • Prototype Creation
  • Pitch Deck Design & Review
  • Financial Modeling Review
  • Start-up Program Manager
  • Agile Development/Scrum Master
  • And more

Matute Consulting Services – Lean Startup Framework

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

According to Eric Ries, Author of “Lean Startup”, an MVP is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. This validated learning comes in the form of whether your customers will actually purchase your product.

Customer Discovery

Customer Discovery

Customer Discovery is one of the most important steps on your Lean Entrepreneur Journey and usually the most omitted one. I will help you kick-start this process based on a scientific approach, customized to your idea, business segment, market, and style.

“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least
try to do something remarkable?”